What is Vue.js?

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is one of those new software technologies that are been used in web development companies for building users interface. Vue.js is primarily and uniquely designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. It offers data reactive components with a simple and adaptable API.

Application programming advancement is one of the most prominent organizations been practiced at both individual as well as big business levels. A great deal of programming advancement is the usage of lots of software technologies by programmers to make the applications faster, user-friendly and more attractive. Vue.js is been referred to as the JavaScript system with different discretionary instruments for structuring user interfaces and single-page applications.

What famous companies uses vue.js.

Ex-google staff Evan You developed vue.js also known as vue in 2014. Vue.js popularity is continuously growing and there are no signs of slowing down. In the last few years, vue.js has experienced a substantial shift in popularity in which a sudden change in the number of stars of vue on GitHub take place in the mid-2016 and has enabled vue to be the most popular framework, leaving it in a very strong position against the competition. Buzzfeed, Codeship, Grammerly, Trustpilot, Netflix, Adobe, Alibaba, Facebook, Laravel Spark are some of the big companies that efficiently uses vue.js.

One of the reasons for vue.js popularity is the variety use of its components, which make development much easier to understand.

For a deep understanding of VueJS Components get our VueJS Certificate Junior.

Why developers love it

A large number of developers love vue.js because it is quite easy to learn. Since it is a JavaScript framework, your development team can adequately understand the system without any issues, challenges or unnecessary stress. Another major determinant of it usage by developers is the fact that applications developed with vue.js are highly effective.

What is Vue.js?

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used for building a user interface web application and was created by Evan You. Its initial release was in 2014. VueJS focuses on the declarative rendering and composition of components.

What is a Vue component?

Components are one of the most useful and powerful features of Vue.js. They are reusable Vue instances that create custom elements and help to extend basic HTML elements. For a better understanding of how components work with VueJS we will look at the following example:

      <div id = "component1">
   template : '<div><h1> This is a component </h1></div>'
var vj = new Vue({
   el: '#component1'

Here in the HTML section, we have created a div with id component1 and in the JS section, a Vue instance is created with that id using the new keyword. Then we have created a component to use with that instance. The syntax used to create a component is as follows:

Vue.component('component name',{ // options}); 

So we have a component hey which becomes the custom element and can be used with the Vue instance created. Now inside the div with id component1, we can use the name of our component as an element. We can also make multiple instances that will share this same component that we have made. Below is the output of the code:

You can try it yourself without any installation: https://jsfiddle.net/AndreyBulezyuk/tnuLmy04/

For a deep understanding of VueJS Components get our VueJS Certificate Junior.

The File structure of Vue.js

Now that we know what components are and how they work in VueJS, we will learn about the file structure. VueJS has a very simple file structure with files like App.vue which is a single file component having HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We have to import all the components which we want to use in this file as it serves as the main top-level component that is a framework for the entire application. For this purpose, we use the import keyword and specify the name of the component made with its location. Another file that is in the VueJS structure is main.js. This is the main file that imports the Vue library and the app component from App.vue. Vue instance is created in this file which is assigned to the DOM element identified by the selector which is defined in index.html file.

VueJS performance is fast as it is very lightweight. VueJS makes the use of virtual DOM which means a replica of DOM is created rather than making changes in the original one. Built-in directives like v-if, v-else, v-show, v-bind, and v-model are used to perform various actions. VueJS with its template-based approach is very easy for a beginner to understand. With all its functionalities VueJS has a great scope in the future.