Vue.js 3
✅ Vue.js 3 Online Course! You will learn to develop very fast frontend-websites. Topic of the Course is VueJS 3 – the new version of the most popular Javascript Frameworks. You will be developing a Use Case Application – we believe in learning by doing at German IT Academy.
33,62 €
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+49 176 164 85 350
Course Benefits
You will have to complete the so called “Quizzes” in our Learning Management System Moodle. Questions (Multiple-Choice) relate to the theory and practical parts of the course.
You’ll learn to develop beautiful, extremely fast and easy to use Websites (VueJS Single-Page-Applications).
Also, You’ll be able to start from literally nothing, to an enterprise grade VueJS App. Your skill-set will greatly improve and will bootstrap your path to becoming the best frontend developer.
At the end of your Online Course you will get a detailed Grade Report. This report will show you your strengths and weaknesses. Based on that, you’ll able to go trough the weak modules again to understand the topic and retry the quiz.
After completing the Online-Course “VueJS 2 Certificate”, you’ll receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be used on your Resume to advance your career!
Vue JS has one of the fastest growing user and developer base across the world. It is becoming more and more implemented by small and big companies due to ease of development. With a VueJS Certificate on your resume, doors will open.
Most paying front-end Skills
We focus on most wanted and best paying Skills. If you want these skills too, then German IT Academy VueJS 2 Course is for you!
VueJS vs. other Frameworks
Vue.js is growing very quickly. With Vue JS 2 you'll be able to find developers more easily. You will also find a job position more quickly, since there is a high demand people who can develop Vue Apps.
Satisfied Students
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Need more Information?
Here is how our ideal students could look like:
# The Beginner Student
You know some basic HTML and CSS. You also wrote some basic methods on JavaScript. Now you want to accelerate your Skills to a higher level. Getting a VueJS Certificate Junior is the right way to kickoff your journey into the area of frontend-dev.
# Outsider
You know some basic HTML and CSS. You come from a different Branch, maybe Finance, Marketing or HR. You want to either switch into IT Department or you simply want to understand your Developer Team better.
Maybe you are a very motivated Product Owner and you want understand the technical Details your Scrum Team is struggling with. This Course is for you.
# Frontend-Dev Freelancer
HTML and CSS is not a highlight for you, it’s mandatory skill to survive in real life. You also know JavaScript and you have probably have coded in another language like Python, PHP, Java or C++. You know the drill. Now you want to create something beautifully looking with your code. VueJS and the UI frameworks of VueJS will do just that!
The Content is split between Theory (Text & PDF Files), Practice (Video Sessions) and Tests (Multiple Choice Questions). This structure will assure that you have a scientifically proven effective learning experience. With the multiple Choice Questions you can prove that you understand what you just learned.
We are giving our best a keeping you and your IT Dev Skills at the top. We achieve this by providing you new online courses that you can start watching instantly. We also post tutorials and Dev News on our German IT Academy Blog. With our Blog Posts you’ll be more update than any other Course Provider can promise you. An example for a Blog Post about VueJS would be Top 3 VueJS UI Frameworks. Even though UI Frameworks is not the topic in the VueJS Course, you’ll learn new stuff every day.
Perönlich und nah
German IT Academy ist jederzeit per Email erreichbar. Unsere Dozente sind flexibel in ganz Europa für Sie unterwegs.
Dozent als Nebenberuf
Unsere Dozente sind in erster Linie Entwickler, Leads, Administratoren, die täglich ihr Handwerk ausführen. Dozent ist eine Nebenberufung, aus Liebe zur Wissensvermittlung.
Beraten und Geschult
Warum German IT Academy?
✅ Moderne Konferenzräume (EU-Weit)
✅ Zertifizierte Schulungstrainer
✅ Trainer mit jahrelanger Praxiserfahrung
✅ Schulung in Englisch oder Deutsch
✅ Teilnahmezertifikate
✅ Online, Unsere Konferenzräume oder in ihrem Büro
✅ Trainer reisen für Sie EU-Weit
✅ Praxisteil der Schulung wird an ihr Vorhaben/PoC angepasst
Ihr Trainer
Andrey Bulezyuk ist der Gründer der German IT Academy und ihr Trainer. Seine Expertise umfasst: Cloud DevOps, Fullstack Dev und maschinelles Lernen (KI).
Als Author folgender Bücher "Algorithmic Trading" und "Django 3 for Beginners", weiß Andrey Anfänger zu unterrichten.
Im Frontend-Bereich hat er an der Entwicklung von reaktiven und benutzerfreundlichen Webanwendungen gearbeitet, während er im Backend-Bereich die Konzeption und Implementierung von skalierbaren und sicheren Cloud APIs und Datenbanken umsetzte.
Als DevOps-Spezialist hat er erfolgreich an der Automatisierung von Build- und Deployment-Prozessen (CI/CD) Docker & Kubernetes. Im Bereich MLOps hat er die Integration und Bereitstellung von Machine-Learning-Modellen übernommen & rundete diese mit Überwachung und Optimierung der Modellen.