VueJS Tutorial – #6 Template Syntax

VueJS Tutorial – #6 Template Syntax

Before we start with another VueJS Tutorial, let me promote our VueJS Course with a Certificate right at the beginning. You’ll see more interactive and deeper Content about VueJS. At the end you’ll also receive a VueJS Certificate from German IT Academy. That’s it.

Problem / Task

While coding a solution for the following tasks, make sure to make use of every single v-directive at least once: v-text, v-html, v-once and v-model. Also, do not forget to use conditional and iterative v-directives, if needed.

  • Create a new Vue Component CustomizeDonut.vue
  • Use following JSON Sample data as ‚donuts‚ data property
  • In CustomizeDonut, create 4-step input process, in which a user has to perform one data-selection in each step. Use v-model as much as you can. The steps should have individual h1 titles and individual Button Values.
    • Select Donut by name (see Sample Data)
    • Select Batter Type
    • Select Topping Type
    • Last step: Show the summary and a dummy button „Order Donut“


Here is a sample Object of a Donut. Few things stand out: We have a type and a name. We have a list of „batters“ and „topping“, which contain object with further details.

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		"id": "0001",
		"type": "donut",
		"name": "Cake",
		"ppu": 0.55,
						{ "id": "1001", "type": "Regular" },
						{ "id": "1002", "type": "Chocolate" },
						{ "id": "1003", "type": "Blueberry" },
						{ "id": "1004", "type": "Devil's Food" }
				{ "id": "5001", "type": "None" },
				{ "id": "5002", "type": "Glazed" },
				{ "id": "5005", "type": "Sugar" },
				{ "id": "5007", "type": "Powdered Sugar" },
				{ "id": "5006", "type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles" },
				{ "id": "5003", "type": "Chocolate" },
				{ "id": "5004", "type": "Maple" }
  • To have a multi-step process, you have to track the status of the current process. You can do it with an object. Or simpler yet, a variable that will store the step number that the user is currently performing.


Here is the solution we came up with for this VueJS Tutorial. Please that is no definite solution, except that the v-directive are used correctly. We smashed the solution into one Vue Component, that way we make it simpler to understand by not having the code in 3-4 different files.

  <div id="CustomizeDonut">
    <h1 v-text="stepConfig[step].title"></h1>
      <div v-if="step == 1">
            <select v-model="userInput.donutId">
                <option v-for="donut in donuts" :value="" :key="" v-text=""/>
      <div v-else-if="step == 2">
            <select v-model="userInput.batterId">
                <option v-for="batter in batters" :value="" :key="" v-text="batter.type"/>
      <div v-else-if="step == 3">
            <select v-model="userInput.toppingId">
                <option v-for="topping in toppings" :value="" :key="" v-text="topping.type"/>
      <div v-else-if="step == 4">
            Donut Id: {{userInput.donutId}}<br>
            Batter Id: {{userInput.batterId}}<br>
            Topping Id: {{userInput.toppingId}}<br>
      <button @click="stepConfig[step].nextStep" v-text="stepConfig[step].button"/>

    export default {
        name: "CustomizeDonut",
        data() {
            return {
                donuts: [{
                        "id": "0001",
                        "type": "donut",
                        "name": "Cake",
                        "ppu": 0.55,
                        "batters": {
                            "batter": [{
                                    "id": "1001",
                                    "type": "Regular"
                                    "id": "1002",
                                    "type": "Chocolate"
                                    "id": "1003",
                                    "type": "Blueberry"
                                    "id": "1004",
                                    "type": "Devil's Food"
                        "topping": [{
                                "id": "5001",
                                "type": "None"
                                "id": "5002",
                                "type": "Glazed"
                                "id": "5005",
                                "type": "Sugar"
                                "id": "5007",
                                "type": "Powdered Sugar"
                                "id": "5006",
                                "type": "Chocolate with Sprinkles"
                                "id": "5003",
                                "type": "Chocolate"
                                "id": "5004",
                                "type": "Maple"
                        "id": "0002",
                        "type": "donut",
                        "name": "Raised",
                        "ppu": 0.55,
                        "batters": {
                            "batter": [{
                                "id": "1001",
                                "type": "Regular"
                        "topping": [{
                                "id": "5001",
                                "type": "None"
                                "id": "5002",
                                "type": "Glazed"
                                "id": "5005",
                                "type": "Sugar"
                                "id": "5003",
                                "type": "Chocolate"
                                "id": "5004",
                                "type": "Maple"
                        "id": "0003",
                        "type": "donut",
                        "name": "Old Fashioned",
                        "ppu": 0.55,
                        "batters": {
                            "batter": [{
                                    "id": "1001",
                                    "type": "Regular"
                                    "id": "1002",
                                    "type": "Chocolate"
                        "topping": [{
                                "id": "5001",
                                "type": "None"
                                "id": "5002",
                                "type": "Glazed"
                                "id": "5003",
                                "type": "Chocolate"
                                "id": "5004",
                                "type": "Maple"
                step: 1, // We start with step 1
                stepConfig: {
                    1: {
                        title: "Donut Type",
                        button: `Go to Step 2`,
                        nextStep: () => {this.step = 2;}
                    2: {
                        title: "Batter Type",
                        button: `Go to Step 3`,
                        nextStep: () => {this.step = 3;}
                    3: {
                        title: "Topping Type",
                        button: `Final Step`,
                        nextStep: () => {this.step = 4;}
                    4: {
                        title: "Your Donut",
                        button: `Send order and Start over`,
                        nextStep: () => {this.step = 1;}
                userInput: {
                    donutId: 0,
                    batterId: 0,
                    toppingId: 0
        computed: {
            batters: {
                get() {
                    const currentDonut = this.donuts.filter(item => == this.userInput.donutId)
                    return currentDonut[0].batters.batter
            toppings: {
                get() {
                    const currentDonut = this.donuts.filter(item => == this.userInput.donutId)
                    return currentDonut[0].topping

button, option, select {
    margin: 20px 20px 20px 20px;
    font-size: 30px;
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
    background: rgba(255, 106, 0, 0.972)

Here is quite a lot happening, let’s go trough it.

First we have created a very simple step process by having a step data property and showing conditional HTML content based on that property; we achieve this with v-if and v-else-if v-directives.

Our data property stepConfig tells our App what title, what button text and what the button-action should be. Notice that we use a function for stepConfig.nextStep; this is because we use the v-directive v-on on our button. This directive needs a function as a parameter. @click=“stepConfig[step].nextStep“

Our computed properties help us extract or filter the correct batters and topping for the donut selected by the user.

In order to store user Input we created an object userInput and we mapped the keys „userInput.donutId“, „userInput.batterId“ and „userInput.toppingId“ with v-model to the select.options HTML Tags. This way our App has always the most recent user input saved in this Object.

If you want to learn more about VueJS and become a VueJS Certified Developer, please take a look at our VueJS Course + Certificate.

Here is a visual version of our solution. Please note, we know VueJS, but we suck at Design.

VueJS Practice – #2 Routing

VueJS Practice – #2 Routing

Learning by doing – VueJS Practice part 2. Let’s take a look at how a possible school-like question on your VueJS Test would look like. And how you would go about solving it. Btw if you want to dive deep into VueJS 2, take a look at our VueJS Certificate Course.


You need to create routes for the Vue-Components that we created in the previous VueJS Practice. Create a vue-route (use Vue-Router) for each of the following Components:

  • AssetsDetail.vue and AssetsList.vue
  • ProductsDetail.vue and ProductsList.vue
  • UsersDetail.vue and UsersList.vue

Routes for „*Detail.vue“ Components must have a url parameter „id“. Router for „*List.vue“ Components must have a url parameter „page“. Also, create a Vue Component called „navigation/TopMenu.vue“ where you generate a list of router-links to the previously created routes; use a programmatic approach.


  • Vue-Router is the obvious choice for a simple routing task like this.
  • Regarding URL Parameters you cheat by reading about Dynamic Routing at Vue-Router Official Docs.

VueJS Practice – Solution

To define your router with Vue-Router, you need to write your routings to router.js. Here is how our prototype looks like.

import AssetsDetail from './components/assets/AssetsDetail.vue'
import AssetsList from './components/assets/AssetsList.vue'
import UsersDetail from './components/assets/UsersDetail.vue'
import UsersList from './components/assets/UsersList.vue'
import ProductsDetail from './components/assets/ProductsDetail.vue'
import ProductsList from './components/assets/ProductsList.vue'

export default new VueRouter({
    mode: 'history',
    routes: [{
            path: '/asset/:id',
            name: 'AssetsDetail',
            component: AssetsDetail
            path: '/asset/list/:page',
            name: 'AssetsList',
            component: AssetsList
            path: '/user/:id',
            name: 'UsersDetail',
            component: UsersDetail
            path: '/user/list/:page',
            name: 'UsersList',
            component: UsersList
            path: '/product/:id',
            name: 'ProductsDetail',
            component: ProductsDetail
            path: '/product/list/:page',
            name: 'ProductsList',
            component: ProductsList

The TopMenu.vue Component has two benefits. First, it helps you debug your router.js while you are creating your routes configuration. Second, you can import the TopMenu to the most Upper VueComponent. This ways, if a route changes, your will have adjust the TopMenu.vue only, and the whole App will be updated. This is what i came up with for the Menu.

  <div id="menu">
      <li v-for="(key, item) in menu" :key="key">
        <router-link :to="item.url">{{ }}</router-link>

export default {
  name: "TopMenu",
  data() {
    return {
      menu: [
        {name: "List of Assets", url: "/asset/list/1"},
        {name: "First Asset", url: "/asset/1"},
        {name: "List of Users", url: "/user/list/1"},
        {name: "First User", url: "/user/1"},
        {name: "List of Products", url: "/product/list/1"},
        {name: "First Product", url: "/product/1"},

That’s it for our VueJS Practice. If you want more, take a look at our more detailed VueJS Certificate Course.

Top 3 UI Frameworks for VueJS

Top 3 UI Frameworks for VueJS

Among all JavaScript frameworks, one has been particularly gaining popularity in recent years: Vuejs. A Soft learning curve, Virtual DOM and many other features make Vuejs unique and useful. Vuejs is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces but it doesn’t provide actual UI elements or components we can use. Frameworks help designers and developers to focus on the features which they want to add for their projects rather than focusing on reinventing the coding. That’s why many UI frameworks have been built to provide users with reusable and styled-components. Here, we will discuss the top three UI frameworks that can be used with Vuejs.


Vuetify is a material design component framework that lets you create clean and reusable UI components. It works with Vue’s Server Side Rendering and has premium themes. Vuetify has great support and continuous updates which helps users to remain up to date. Steps to install Vuetify are given below:-

  • First, you need to upgrade to Vue CLI 3 or above using the following command:
Vue CLI 3 Command
  • Then create a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI 3:
Code For VueJS 1

Make sure that you select all the things you need for the project by manually selecting the features. The above picture shows a sample of what you can start with and the name of the app.

  • After you have instantiated the project, add the Vuetify package.
Code For VueJS 2

                Choose the default preset and you are good to go.


Quasar is an MIT-licensed and simple to use UI framework that can be used to build front-end apps. It provides a color palette with a variety of colors in it and other form features like slider, checkbox, etc which makes it very useful. Below are the installation steps for Quasar:-

  • First, check the version of npm and node (node>=8 and npm>=5) by using below commands:
Code For VueJS Quasar 1
  • Then we will install the Quasar CLI:
Code For VueJS Quasar 2
  • Now we can create a project folder with Quasar CLI.
Code For VueJS Quasar 3

And start working on a project.


Element is a UI component library that has versions for React, Angular, and Vuejs. The Popularity of element speaks for itself with more than 40k stars on Github. The wide variety of components which Element provide, makes it one of the top three UI framework or library used for Vuejs. Steps to install Element is very simple, just run the following command:-

Code For VueJS Element 1

Now you can import and use it as follows:-

Code For VueJS Element 2

There are many other UI frameworks and libraries that can be used with Vuejs like Fish-UI, Buefy, Vux, AT-UI, etc. but these three provide many components as compared to others and their popularity will increase in the near future.